Week 18 in Review

Week 18 in Review: Safety, intellectual property, and Ramadan recipes top the week

Aramco celebrates its long safety journey and its growing record of intellectual property achievements.

Week 18 in Review: Safety, intellectual property, and Ramadan recipes top the week

Aramco celebrated along with the world on two big events: World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 and World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 — both journeys the company has many examples of success.


Readers were quick to take notice of the celebrations as the Holy Month of Ramadan reached its midpoint, as well, with user submissions continuing to come into publishing@aramco.com.



Showcasing our innovation and patented accomplishments

In recognition of World Intellectual Property Day, Aramco held its own Saudi Aramco Intellectual Property Day under the theme “Taking Your Idea to Market.”


Broadcast companywide via Shahed, the event featured keynote speeches by leadership and experts in the field of intellectual property and patents. The event also provided an opportunity to review the progress Aramco has made over the past two decades.


“In 2020, Aramco was granted 683 U.S patents, white it filed a further 1,183 applications, more than any other international oil company,” said Aramco chief engineer Jamil J. Al-Bagawi, who is also chairman of the Corporate Innovation Board. “Aramco’s patent portfolio has increased by more than 2,000 U.S. patents in the past six years along.


Safety: A continuous journey

Aramco has been striving for excellence in safety for decades since its inception, and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work provided the perfect reminder of the importance of treating safety as an integral part of life.


This year, the company highlighted the critical safety elements of protective everyone, being inclusive and engaging, as well as strongly committed to practicing safe behaviors at work, at home, and all locations in between.


By raising an awareness of safety, we are reminding ourselves of the hard work needed to ensure that we send each and every employee and contractor home safely, every day.
— Ghassan G. Abulfaraj, Loss Prevention Department manager


The day also have Aramco LIFE an opportunity to work in concert with the Loss Prevention Department in highlighting some of the many steps on Aramco’s safety journey. Check it out here.


Speaking of health …

It’s been over a year since COVID-19 broke, shaking every aspect of our lives. Despite regularly updated numbers, it can be difficult to measure how the pandemic has impacted our well-being.


One area that has been tested most is our mental health. Maintaining equilibrium during the pandemic has been no small task, but some key aspects can help you endure, including relying on community and professional resources, communicating your needs, and taking time with others and yourself.


New Ajyal school looks to focus on STEAM skills and inclusion

A new private school in the Ajyal community will offer a unique educational experience for students based on science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, or STEAM skills, as well as an inclusive education model that will provide opportunities to students with mild developmental disabilities.


Scheduled to open in August, the school will accept Aramco depends as well as students not affiliated with the company. It plans to enroll up to 1,260 boys and girls from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. A comprehensive early education program will be provided for the pre-kindergarten students.


Readers share Ramadan tips

Whether its hacks for better sleep or staying hydrated or recipes for tasty treats and meals over the Holy Month, Aramco LIFE continues to welcome readers to submit photos, recipes, advice, and other Ramadan-related materials.


And don't forget to check out our regularly updated Ramadan page, which includes the reader submissions as well as other related news and resources such as the monthlong Imsakiyya schedule.








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