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This Day in History

This Day in History (1975): Seaman courses underway at Ras Tanura

April 16 1975 first ever aramco maritime classes

From the April 16, 1975, edition of The Arabian Sun

The first comprehensive course in seamanship ever offered by Aramco is being given to a group of young Saudis at handsome new classrooms at the Ras Tanura West Pier.


Called Basic Seamanship, the 20-week course is a cooperative venture of the Marine Department and the Training Department. The course will cover the fundamentals of navigation, boat handling, survival at sea, damage control, corrosion control, line handling and maintenance. Each of these subjects will be discussed in detail in the morning classroom sessions, then put into practice in the afternoon sessions onboard a training vessel.


“We’re bringing in a special boat for this purpose,” says on-the-job training supervisor Captain R. D. Paul, speaking about the 65—foot launch Zahrani. The launch came to Aramco from the Tapline terminal in Sidon, Lebanon, two years ago and is now being refitted in Bahrain with the latest navigational and safety equipment.


The course began March 29 with survival at sea (the correct use of life vests, rafts, etc.), which will continue about two more weeks. Then the students will learn about damage control (ways to temporarily repair a disabling injury to the boat and so enable it to make it back to port); line handling, corrosion control, maintenance, boat handling and navigation. They will also attend a special ITC English class where they will learn not just the usual English and vocabulary, but also nautical terms such as bulkhead, ground tackle, and clove hitch.


Caption for top photo: Sometime next month, the 65-foot launch "Zahrani" will return to Ras Tanura from Bahrain, where it is now being modified to serve as Aramco's first training vessel. Among the modifications to the launch, which was built in Holland, are two new 450 hp engines, the latest navigational and safety equipment, and an enlarged cabin area.


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