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This Day in History

This Day in History (1977): Work progresses at al-Hasa clinic

1977 construction of the al-Hasa clinic

From the March 31, 1977, edition of The Arabian Sun

Construction is now under way near Hofuf on the al-Hasa outpatient clinic and adjoining staff compound, a modern facility that may well become the prototype for clinics in other outlying areas.


Designed to accommodate 100,000 patient visits a year, the clinic will look, from an aerial view, like a wheel, with self-contained medical units radiating off a central reception area. While individual waiting areas will be kept small, this design will facilitate the handling of a very large overall traffic lfow.


The planned interior design will incorporate such features as clerestory windows to light interior areas, multistory rooms to give a feeling of spaciousness and color-coded hallways to guide patients to designated medical areas.


The clinic will include doctor's offices, examining rooms and associated laboratories, X-ray rooms, administration offices, and storage areas.


Housing and recreational facilities for the clinic staff will be situated in a separate section of the five-acre tract, which is about 10 kilometers from Hofuf.


Work on the clinic is expected to be complete by September 1978.


Caption for top photo: the central reception area of the future al-Hasa clinic, center, begins to take shape. On the second floor, above the reception area, will be a modern equipment room. Distant columns, at far right, are the beginning of the family and bachelor housing for the clinic staff.


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