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Most Viewed Week 29: Gamers 8, a day in the life at OSPAS, and Lab7 opportunities

Our look into the workday of an Aramco employee on the floor at our OSPAS facility in Dhahran highlights the dedication and focus of our people.

Most Viewed Week 29: Gamers 8, a day in the life at OSPAS, and Lab7 opportunities

As Gamers 8 swings into full gear, employees and their dependents had a chance to win tickets to the esports event of a lifetime in Riyadh. With Aramco as a sponsor, the ongoing congregation of technology and esports excitement is an event of global proportions.


Here are some of the other top articles over the past week and month, respectively. 


Five most viewed from the past week


1. First six winners announced in Gamers8 trivia contest

2. ‘We know the magnitude of our work’: A day-in-the-life of an OSPAS engineer

3. Ten of Aramco’s brightest chosen for Professional Innovator Fellowship

4. CEO at OPEC: ‘You need to have a multi-speed transition’

5. HE Aali M. Al Zahrani wraps up over 30 years at Aramco


Three most viewed from the past month

1. Warm Wishes: Send your personalized ‘Id al-Adha e-card

2. Celebrating 90 years of Excellence and the 2023 President’s Excellence Award winners

3. First six winners announced in Gamers8 trivia contest


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