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Ithraeyat Magazine

Ithraeyat releases Issue No. 19 'Re-set'

Ithraeyat edition NO. 19 on re-set for the new year

Legendary artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”


As 2022 begins to disappear in the rear view mirror, we reflect over the year and its ups and downs, and welcome the new year and the possibilities and opportunities it will bring. 


In its 19th edition, Ithraeyat celebrates this moment of reflection through its theme of “re-set,” giving us all a moment to reboot, readjust and rest as we begin new chapters. 


The power of art to give us joy, reduce our anxiety, and tackle burnout and trauma is explored in this edition via interviews with art therapists, and artists who gift us art that embraces and restores our sense of self and well-being. 




There is something for everyone in this special edition. From the beautifully immersive and dream-like cover art by the renowned artist Refik Anadol, to the insights of Dalya Mousa, Director of Arts at Diriyah Gate Development Authority, as well as the art of giving back and “hope” by dynamic artist Joel Bergner. For those thinking of trying their hands at gardening, enjoy reading the interview of the gentle “art of gardening” by avid garden educator Alzainah Al-Babtain. Meanwhile those needing a bit of quiet can revel in the creation of “silent rooms” that multidisciplinary artist Nathalie Harb is trying to introduce in cities. Then there is the power of light from Noor Riyadh, as captured in the column by curator Gaida Al-Mogren. 


How art has helped through difficult times can be explored in the writings of artist Al-Hossain; through the delicate philosophical art revolving around birds, migration and the journeys within by cross-disciplinary artist Doa Bugis; and in how we can all find joy in the mundane as shown by artist Hoda Zohrob.


We travel to wonderful Abha in the “Our Cities, Our Stories” section with artist Hatem Al-Ahmad, then to Jordan with our latest partner Wadi Finan Art Gallery to meet Syrian artist Besher Koushaji and explore his nostalgic art of flowers and memories. We also understand the healing power of art by meeting two art therapists, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Duqail and Alaa Naeem. 


We enjoy a moment of pause as we appreciate the depth of the latest art collection shared by our esteemed partner Barjeel Art Foundation. We also gift our wonderful readers online resources that we hope will bring a bit of joy and rest into their lives, where a simple act like deep breathing can actually make a difference.  


So please take a moment for yourself to read, to see the art, and to listen to music that you like as you go about your day.


The Ithraeyat team and family wish you and all your loved ones a Happy New Year.