This Day in History

This Day in History (1948) DRAMARAMCO

Organization re-organized to put on full-length plays, minstrel and radio shows, and experimental acting.

This Day in History (1948) DRAMARAMCO

From the Dec. 8, 1948 edition of the Sun and Flare


In order to give more emphasis to production and general entertainment activities, DRAMARAMCO, re-organized to eliminate general business meetings and that requirement for majority rule of active membership on important items.


A Production Committee of seven members was elected to carry out the business and production management of the organization.


Plans for the 1949 season as discussed at the meeting of Production Committee on Saturday, December 4, include full-length plays, some experimental acting work for advanced actors, radio and audience participation shows, a minstrel show, variety shows, one-act playwriting contest with production of prize-winning plays.


The Production Committee welcomes written ideas from anyone interested in staging or seeing a particular type of entertainment or endeavor in connection with any of the arts, but particularly in connection with the theater.


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