Most Read

Week 25 Most Read: From global brands to sustainability reports to excellence awards and more

In its debut BrandZ ranking, company slots in at No. 16, tops among international oil companies.

Week 25 Most Read: From global brands to sustainability reports to excellence awards and more

Here are the most read articles over the past week and month.


Most read articles over the past week

Aramco enters ranking as top oil and gas brand globally 

Aramco publishes its first-ever Sustainability Report 

Geological outcrops: Protecting Aramco’s precious assets 

President’s Excellence Awards

Aramco inaugurates new innovation and product development center



Most read articles over the past month

Vice president of Exploration Misfir A. AzZahrani retires 

Aramco welcomes 8th YLAB cohort 

Aramco ORIZON® at special prices for Aramco employees


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