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2023 Energy Efficiency Awards

Aramco recognizes teams and departments for energy-efficiency efforts

Aramco EMSC members posing with guests

Aramco’s 2023 Energy Efficiency Awards ceremony was held recently in Dhahran to celebrate teams and departments that have demonstrated energy efficiency enhancement and successfully executed energy efficient initiatives to support the company’s Energy Management Program (EnMP). 


“The Energy Efficiency Awards ceremony recognizes top performing departments, teams, and individuals for their contribution toward energy efficiency management programs,” said Walid A. Al Naeem, Engineering vice president and chief engineer, and chair of the company’s Energy Management Steering Committee (EMSC).


 Last year, Aramco improved its performance. The Corporate Energy Intensity key performance indicator (KPI) showed significant improvement compared to the plan.
— Walid A. Al Naeem


The EMSC endorses the EI plan in each business cycle for all energy consuming departments. The KPI targets are expected to help drive energy performance through the implementation of energy optimization actions and initiatives, which can contribute to GHG emissions reduction efforts. 


Aramco organizations have implemented more than 110 energy initiatives, which are expected to contribute to energy savings.


Al Naeem emphasized the importance of efficiency initiatives in contributing to CO2 emission reduction — every year, new energy initiatives result in incremental reductions. 


Remarkable contributions

“I would like to express my gratitude to all concerned at Aramco for their remarkable dedication in advancing energy efficiency across the company,” Al Naeem said. “I extend my gratitude to EMSC members, energy coordinators, and champions, as well as the dedicated team behind this program: the Energy System Division and its remarkable individuals.


 “I congratulate the winning departments and individuals and thank them for their efforts,” he added.


In their sixth year, the Energy Efficiency Awards are set to continue annually to recognize excellence and promote healthy competition between teams. 


Award winnners

Here is a rundown of the winners of the 2023 winners.

Aramco Energy Efficiency First Place Winner Abqaiq Plant
The winning team from the Abqiaq Plants Operation Department and members of management


First place: Abqaiq Plants Operation Department 

The Abqaiq Plants Operation Department (APOD) took top spot in the Departments awards category, recognized for improving its energy intensity (EI). APOD performed 15.6% better than the plan and met requirements for the company’s Energy Management Program (EnMP). 


APOD had two filed and one granted four related patent applications in 2022, showcasing innovative work that aims to contribute to excellence in energy efficiency. The department also implemented a wide range of energy saving initiatives, including steam reserve optimization and boiler efficiency enhancement. 


In addition, APOD won the King Khalid Sustainability Award and the 2022 President’s Environmental Excellence Award for GHG emissions reduction efforts through energy efficiency.


In addition, 22 employees obtained energy efficiency certifications, seven energy forums / campaigns were held, and five technical papers / presentations were delivered on energy efficiency.

Aramco Energy Efficiency Second Place Winner Wasit Gas Plant
The second-place team from Wasit Gas Plant and members of management

Second place: Wasit Gas Plant Department 

The Wasit Gas Plant Department placed second after achieving a favorable EI variance of 12.6%, meeting requirements for the company’s EnMP, and implementing several energy initiatives. 


The department also filed five related patent applications, delivered three external presentations on energy efficiency, and conducted eight energy forums / campaigns. Three employees received energy efficiency certifications.

Aramco Energy Efficiency Awards 3rd Place Winner North Ghawar Producing Department
The third-place winning team from the North Ghawar Producing Department and members of management

Third place: North Ghawar Producing Department 

The North Ghawar Producing Department (NGPD) took third place, achieving an EI 16% better than the plan, meeting requirements for the company’s EnMP, and implementing key energy initiatives. 


The department was a finalist in the iChem Award Energy Category, recognized for its “OILHUB power optimization dashboard.” 


NGPD achieved one granted patent in 2023, demonstrating its contribution to innovation. In addition, four employees obtained energy efficiency certifications, eight energy forums / campaigns were held, and one technical presentation was delivered on the subject of energy efficiency.



Global Manufacturing: Ras Tanura Refinery 

Ras Tanura Refinery’s (RTR) EI reflected a favorable variance of 5.8% compared to target, and it completed EnMP-related requirements. 


RTR implemented four energy initiatives aiming to improve the refinery’s energy consumption, organized 12 energy forums / campaigns, and delivered two technical papers on the subject of energy efficiency.


Southern Area Gas Operations: ‘Uthmaniyah Gas Plant Department 

The ‘Uthmaniyah Gas Plant Department (UGPD) EI improved by 5.7% compared to plan, and it completed EnMP-related requirements. 


The department implemented five energy efficiency initiatives aiming to improve its energy performance, won two external energy awards, filed three energy-related patent applications, presented three technical papers, and conducted four energy awareness forums / campaigns.


Northern Area Oil Operations: Safaniyah Offshore Producing Department 

The Safaniyah Offshore Producing Department (SOfPD) was awarded for achieving an EI of 16.7% better than plan, completing EnMP requirements, and launching three initiatives that are expected to optimize energy consumption. 


SOfPD also filed two patent applications and won three external awards. In addition, eight employees obtained energy efficiency certifications.


The Office Services Department (OSD) achieved an EI of 3.4% better than planned and completed EnMP requirements. In addition, OSD implemented five energy initiatives. 


Pipelines, Distribution and Terminals: Central Region Distribution Department 

The Central Region Distribution Department (CRDD) was ranked as the top department within the PD&T admin area. 


The department achieved an EI of 6.3% better than target. CRDD completed EnMP requirements, and implemented four energy initiatives. Two of its employees obtained ISO50001 lead auditor certification.



The top energy efficiency initiatives were selected after a rigorous review that assessed innovation and creativity, energy savings, life cycle cost savings, and feasibility and practicality.

Aramco Energy Efficiency Winner Team Industrial Energy Project
Industrial category winners were a team from the Southern Area Gas Production Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Application Services, and Production and Facilities Development departments.

Industrial category: A team from the Southern Area Gas Production Engineering Department, the Petroleum Engineering Application Services Department, and the Production and Facilities Development Department won first place for optimizing electrical submersible pumps. Team members were: Marcelo A. Ramos Flores, Mulad B. Winarno, Mohammad A. Eissa, Said S. Malki, and Mohammed A. Khalifah.

Aramco Energy Efficiency Awards 2023 Winner Team NonIndustrial Energy Project
The nonindustrial category winner was a team from the Utilities and Facilities Services Department in Community Services.

Nonindustrial category: The winner was a team from the Utilities and Facilities Services Department (Community Services), which implemented a project to reduce energy consumption through the reutilization of HVAC units. Team members were Nader A. Maidani, Nassir S. Ghamdi, Saif Ur Rehman S. Maan, and Ali J. Sudairy. 

Energy Efficiency in Project Design 

A team from the Jubail Producing Department was selected as winner for an initiative to recover heat from gas turbines and utilize it for process heating at the Berri Increment Project. Team members were Khalaf Shuhail, Talal A. Zahrani, Fahad M. Majed, and Ali M Hajri.


Caption for top photo: Members of the EMSC pose with members of management during the recent ceremony recognizing winners of the 2023 Energy Efficiency Awards.