2024 Firefighter Challenge

VIDEO: With safety an integral part of our business culture, Aramco hosts Firefighter Challenge

Event features competitive challenges between international and our local Aramco firefighters.

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The 2024 Aramco Firefighter Challenge


We gather in Dhahran Expo with intense energy, enthusiasm, and sheer determination to participate in a series of challenges. 


These challenges include:


  • Toughest Firefighter Alive
  • High-Angle Rescue
  • Vehicle Extrication
  • Fire Truck Challenge


The Aramco Firefighter Challenge brings together national and international heroes from 28 countries from around the world. 


In front of a wide audience of spectators, our firefighters put their skills to the test, showcasing the thrill and dedication it requires to protect our communities, save lives, and protect assets around the clock.


We aim to continue instilling a safety-first mindset in our people and communities.


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