For the love of the game

SAYSO kicks off training courses for aspiring referees

First session focuses on training methods.

SAYSO kicks off training courses for aspiring referees

On a recent Saturday, more than 30 girls, boys, women, and men invested four hours of their weekend to have fun, learn, keep fit, and elevate their amateur and professional skills, for the love of the game.


That game is soccer. Following the Kingdom’s initiative to encourage learning and leadership in today’s youth, Dhahran Community Services Saudi Aramco Youth Soccer Organization (SAYSO) kicked off its first Referee Clinic in over a decade. 


Bo Cosic, SAYSO’s lead referee, delivered the first in a series of sessions that will lead to certification. Cosic was ably assisted by his referee team of James Fitzgerald, Eric Otoo, and Mario Batres.

During the first clinic, the referee team used a variety of training methods — lectures, group discussions, video-based presentations, physical demonstrations, and computer-based testing — to share the knowledge required to become a better referee.  


Additionally, aspiring referees will soon undergo field-based exercises and on-the-job training under the tutelage of more experienced referees. Once they have successfully completed three matches as a referee or assistant, applicants will have earned their official referee jersey. After completing 10 games, they will have earned their official referee badge. 


If you’d like to get involved, contact SAYSO commissioner, or lead referee,


Caption for top photo: Bo Cosic leads a session on training methods as part of SAYSO’s Referee Clinic.


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