VIDEO: Amin Nasser congratulates new YLAB cohort
Members of the Young Leaders Advisory Board will be critical as the company grows and undertakes new ventures.
Amin Nasser, president and CEO of the YLAB Academy Panel
It’s always a pleasure to meet the future of the company.
I would like to congratulate the 60 members of the cohort team that will hopefully end up to be 16.
Just reaching that milestone and being part of the 60 is an accomplishment in itself.
I would also congratulate the 2,000 who applied because they’ve seen in themselves the ability to contribute to the company.
We are going to rely on the future talents to achieve our growth ambitions.
Everything we touch, we turn to gold because of the talents that we have. So, we need the new generation to learn new skills as we get into these new ventures.
We are focusing a lot on technologies. So, continuous learnings dating to the new industries that you will be getting into, and focusing on sustainability are very important for the new YLAB.