July 12, 2023
Company engineers, professionals share on panel sessions, pavilions, and technical sessions.
The Gas Processors Association (GPA) GCC Chapter 29th Annual Technical Conference was recently held in Muscat, Oman, under the patronage of Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Sultanate of Oman.
More than 750 delegates from 78 companies and 20 countries attended the event, which included six pre-conference technical workshops that were attended by 196 young engineers from the GCC companies and exhibitions by 21 regional and international vendors.
Aramco's Al-Dossary elected chairman of GPA-GCC executive committee
Rashed Al-Dossary, director of Hawiyah Gas Plant Department, served as one of the GPA-GCC executive committee members. During the event, GPA-GCC executive committee members voted for Al-Dossary as chairman of the GPA-GCC Chapter Executive Committee.
In addition, Aramco was recognized for providing full support as the diamond sponsor for the GPA GCC Chapter 29th Annual Technical Conference in Muscat.
Next year, the 30th Annual Technical Conference will be hosted by Aramco in Saudi Arabia.

About the GPA
The Gas Processors Association (GPA) GCC Chapter is an association that gathers subject matter experts in natural-gas gathering, compression, treating, processing, storage and marketing, and natural gas liquids fractionation, transportation, storage and marketing — all with the common interest of meeting about, and making a difference in, midstream matters.
'The Future of Gas in Energy Transition'
The conference featured an executive panel session focusing on the theme “The Future of Gas in Energy Transition.”
Walid Al-Naeem, director of Aramco's Process and Control Systems Department, highlighted that a smooth energy transition is dependent on energy security, and that until such a time as alternative low-carbon sources of energy are able to shoulder the burden of energy demand, global energy security will continue to be dependent upon a reliable supply of fossil fuels.
The world’s demand for affordable, reliable, and more sustainable energy will continue to grow, Al-Naeem said, noting it can best be met by a broad mix of energy solutions.

Supporting the conference
In addition to providing full support as the diamond sponsor for the GPA 29th Annual Technical Conference, Aramco supplied a wide range of expertise at various technical sessions offered during the event.
The GPA GCC Technical Committee comprises 23 members from GCC oil and gas companies and is chaired by Shadi Al-Adel, Decarbonization Initiative leader.
Mohammed Saati and Taib Abang from Engineering Services, and Mohanned Al-Jaber and Makky Al-Hassan from Gas Operations, served as GPA GCC Technical Committee members.
Sharing knowledge, sharing expertise
During the three-day conference, 14 informative sessions were held that featured Aramco expertise. Salem Al-Qahtani, manager of Upstream Processing Engineering in the Process and Control Systems Department, chaired a technical session under the theme of “Technology.” The session provided awide range of technologies related to gas processing optimization and enhancement.
Mossab Al-Ghanmi, Engineering manager in the Wasit Gas Plant Department, chaired a technical session under the theme of “Digitalization.” that made the case for digitalization across the gas and LNG industry to remain competitive and sustainable in an evolving energy landscape.
Nearly 90 technical presentations were delivered during the event, with Aramco subject matter experts delivering 16 technical presentations, including:
• Dedik R. Ermawan from Fadhili Gas Plant on “Smart Advisory Dashboard: A Leap for Digitalizing Site Energy Optimization and Decarbonization Campaign”
• Mohammad Al-Musaiteer from the Hawiyah NGL Recovery Plant on “Computerized Performance Monitoring System for Compressor (CPMS)”
• Bassam Al Gahtani from Fadhili Gas Plant on “Advanced LBTU Fuel Gas Pressure Regulator”
• Diki Andrian from the Berri Gas Plant on “Plant Capacity De-Bottlenecking through Molecular Sieve 3A Deployment”
• Mohammad Boobaid from the Process and Control Systems Department on “Excessive Solid Contamination in C 2+ NGL Feed-Lessons Learned”
• Abdullah Al-Awadhi from the Jazan Refinery on “C3 Unloading in Jazan Refinery Complex Utilizing Whole Naphtha Line”
• Mohammed AL-Qahtani from Tanajib Gas Plant Projects on “Hydraulic Power Recovery Application in Gas Treatment Plant”
• Abdulsalam Al-Ali from the Khursaniyah Gas Plant on “Processing Sweet Associated Gas in Nonassociated Processing”
• Makky Al-Hassan from the Berri Gas Plant on “Innovative Kinetic Optimizer for Thermal Oxidizers Decarbonization”
• Mohammed Al-Rumaih from the Shaybah NGL Recovery Plant on “Practical Cleaning Method for NGL Liquefaction Unit BAHEs”
• Taib Abang from the Process and Control Systems Department on “Key Considerations to Establish Safe Operating Envelope for Hydrocarbon Condensate Stripper Systems”
• Abdullah Al-Oraifi from the Berri Gas Plant on “Innovative Zero Flaring Turnaround Activity for NGL Recovery Unit”
• Fatima Al-Khunaizi from Affiliates Manufacturing Excellence on “Developing an Optimized Integrity Operating Window (IOW)”
• Faisal Al-Boqami from the Shedgum Gas Plant on “Acid Gas Virtual Flowmeter”
• Osamah Al-Moabade from Yanbu' NGL Fractionation Plant on “Integrating a Heat Exchanger in a Debutanizer System”
- Abdulaziz Al-Mashabi from the Haradh Gas Plant on “Air Quality Improvement and Emission Minimization."