Asia Commitment

Aramco Asia efforts show a commitment to sustainability and community

From coral reef restoration to tree planting to coding competitions, company promotes the value of citizenship with varied programs.

Aramco Asia efforts show a commitment to sustainability and community

Aramco Asia implemented a series of welfare programs in its key markets during the first half of 2023 to promote the value of citizenship among local communities.  


These social benefit programs, initiated under the scope of global citizenship strategy, highlighted corporate commitment to sustainability and community through partnerships with local stakeholders on a regional scale. 


Commenting on these programs, Mutib A. Al-Harbi, president of Aramco Asia, noted, “Asia represents a priority market for Aramco and such programs represent a critical part of our global citizenship strategy, which is dedicated to the well-being of our people and planet. These programs also contribute to building the positive image of Aramco in the region.”


Tree planting initiative in China 

China employees launched a tree planting initiative in April to mark the Earth Day. The one-day activity was a great way to connect with nature and facilitate employee engagement. It is in alignment with corporate sustainability goals and part of corporate value to protect the environment.


Chinese arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis), evergreen trees native to East Asia, were planted by the employees in a planting base in north Beijing. The pyramid-shaped tree is easy to care for, conducive to carbon sequestration, and commonly used for landscaping, according to the on-site professional instructor. 


The volunteer activity is the first of this kind that focused on volunteering and moral building among employees right after the ease of strict COVID-19 restrictions early this year. 

Coding lessons prepare student to be future leaders in Korea

In April, more than 500 students and their parents attended the Aramco Coding World Cup, a nationwide coding competition, a core element of the Aramco Coding School that Aramco Korea has implemented since 2020 to tackle the digital divide among students in Korea.  


Throughout the one-day competition, the students competed to solve five Python coding algorithm problems. The eight best performing teams were selected based on the evaluation criteria of completeness, efficiency, meeting requirements, and coding speed.


The Aramco Coding Hackathon was also organized early this year to elevate students’ interest in coding through play. Students were given opportunities to learn the concepts of coding via activities like unplugged coding, design thinking, and marshmallow challenge.


The coding competition is one flagship activity Aramco Korea organized to make coding education accessible to more students in the country. Some 300 students will join the program for the 2022-2023 season. Over 600 participants have developed their own applications using 3D printers, tablet PCs, and drones since 2020. 


Boosting coral reefs’ resilience off the coast of Okinawa in Japan

Aramco Japan carried forward the partnership with Okinawa Coral Conservation Consortium in 2023 to support the biodiversity of coral reefs off the coast of Okinawa following 12 years of successful collaboration.  


The two parties have launched the coral aquaculture and transplantation project last year to enhance marine protection and support local communities. So far, over 315 coral reefs were transplanted in nearby waters and joint educational programs have benefited some 306 students. The program plans to plant 900 corals by 2025. 


Making a difference for beach and waterways in Singapore

Employees from the Singapore office, their family members and Aramco-sponsored students, took part in a coastal cleanup in February. The participants collected more than 110 kilograms of marine litter at East Coast Park, one of the largest parks in the tropical country. 


The volunteer activity provided Aramco volunteers with an opportunity to learn more about how important and urgent it is to keep the beach clean.


Through hands-on experience, employees and family members further understood the negative impact of marine litter and vowed to take better care of their coastal environment. They helped to make the coastline litter free and preserved marine biodiversity for the local communities. 


Providing health care centers with on-site oxygen generators in India 

Aramco partnered with two local NGOs of Give India Foundation and Doctors for You to install oxygen generation plants in three primary health centers in suburban Maharashtra. These oxygen generators, with a combined capacity of 1,060 liters per minute, will provide uninterrupted oxygen supply and benefit tens of thousands of local patients every year. 


The oxygen generation machines will bring tangible benefits to local communities and improve health care services and reduce dependency on cylinders in hospitals.


Asia affiliates keep the momentum going 

All these programs have provided a platform on which the affiliate offices enhance their commitment to responsible business conduct and strengthen their support to communities. Through close collaboration with local partners, Aramco presents solutions to urgent local needs and will continue to build on that progress. 


By Paul Zhang in China, Jeff Kim in Korea, Ishii Yoko in Japan, Pei Yong Goh in Singapore, and Shubby Yadav in India 


Caption for top photo: China employees joined the tree planting event in April to mark Earth Day.


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