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Transition Priorities

VIDEO: CEO lays out steps toward a more pragmatic and inclusive energy transition

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Amin Nasser

President and CEO

Energy Asia 2023


Existing transition policies rightly attempt to address environmental sustainability.


However, the equally critical issues of energy security and affordability are underemphasized.


As a rising economic powerhouse, Asia needs increasing amounts of proven energy to keep its growing middle class growing. to address energy security and affordability, as well as environmental sustainability, global transition policies must be more pragmatic, orderly, and inclusive.


What would also help Asia is the acceptance of a multi-speed transition model. Thankfully, large Asia energy consumers like China and Japan are already stressing that transition policies must be realistic as well as inspirational.


Others stress that the path to carbon neutrality should be diverse, but a lot more needs to be done for this pragmatic approach to become a worldwide reality.


I see this as Asia’s great opportunity to speak louder and more clearly about its unique transition priorities. 


At Aramco, we are turning this pragmatic approach into action.


Like many in Asia, we see the future in decades, not quarters, eras, not cycles. If we can bring our combined strength to bear on a new approach to energy transition that reflects Asia’s unique priorities, we can deliver the energy future that its economies and people deserve.