President’s Excellence Awards
SPEECH: Remarks by Aramco president and CEO Amin Nasser at the 2023 President’s Excellence Awards

June 19, 2023
“Whether it was the completion of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline in 1950, the creation of the Master Gas System in 1975, or the world’s largest IPO in 2019, our workforce has consistently leveraged their excellence to transform the company, the Kingdom, and the world.”
Good morning everyone, and welcome.
It is a pleasure to host the President’s Excellence Awards once again, to recognize some of our most remarkable teams and employees in multiple fields of excellence.
As you know, this year marks our 90th anniversary.
The awardees we honor today carry on a proud tradition, one that was first established nine decades ago by those early pioneers searching for oil in the harsh desert landscape.
Their success did not come overnight, however.
They had to deal with many technical challenges, difficult conditions, and frequent setbacks, as well as doubts from those who thought that oil would never be found in commercial quantities.
But our predecessors were not deterred, and they carried on.
They knew that exceptional results would not be possible without exceptional effort.
After finding oil, that early generation turned to developing fields, building refineries, and assembling a global infrastructure.
Nothing came easily. Progress demanded the best of everyone.
It required a commitment to excellence, not just in certain moments, but throughout each and every day.
Our pioneers and the generations that followed upheld that commitment and made it a core part of Aramco’s culture.
They also set a high bar for achievement.
Whether it was the completion of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline in 1950, the creation of the Master Gas System in 1975, or the world’s largest IPO in 2019, our workforce has consistently leveraged their excellence to transform the company, the Kingdom, and the world.
Excellence has driven our progress for 90 years.
But as proud as we are of our past, we are equally excited about our future.
And as we embark on a new chapter in Aramco’s history, excellence will remain essential to our success— especially given that we are executing the largest investment program in our history across a wide-ranging portfolio.
Just like in the past, it will not be easy. There are many challenges ahead.
Some of these we have anticipated and are already hard at work to overcome.
We know that we need to further reduce emissions, develop the right technologies to meet global energy needs sustainably, and continue to diversify into related industries, like petrochemicals…as well as venture into new areas and emerging technologies outside our core business.
All of this demands our excellence and that we harness the pioneer spirit that has always been a part of Aramco.
But if the unexpected happens, like another pandemic or some other threat to our core business, we will be similarly tested.
And that will require us to also be resilient. To dig deeper, as our predecessors did so long ago … as Aramcons have always done.
Whatever the future holds, I know we are up to the task. I know that despite our great history, the best days have yet to come.
I am confident because of the people here in this room and the teams they represent, they are ready to think big, push boundaries, and achieve great things.
That excellence, day in and day out, is what defines us and sets us apart.
Today, we will present more awards than at any previous ceremony.
That is because even as we continue to grow as a company and expand into new frontiers, our culture of excellence grows with it.
And excellence deserves to be recognized and celebrated.
So, before we move to the ceremony, I want to say: Congratulations to all of our winners.
I also want to say thank you for your excellence.
For your inspiration.
And for your love for Aramco.
We continue to thrive because of your commitment. Thank you.