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This Day in History

This Day in History (1984): Aramco Veteran al-Mughrabi Celebrates 50 Years’ Service

Abdulaziz al-Mughrabi, Aramco 50 year employee, feted by president Ali Naimi 1984

From the May 16, 1984, edition of The Arabian Sun

“Everything has changed,” says 50-year employee ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Ahmed al-Mughrabi, scanning the developments in the region since he joined the company on May 20, 1934. “Today we have an airport, roads, pipelines, a refinery… everything has changed.”


Al-Mughrabi, now in his 60s and the longest serving Aramco employee, was personally congratulated by President Ali I. Naimi and Abdelaziz M. al-Hokail, senior vice president, Industrial Relations last week. Earlier, on May 8, he was honoured at a luncheon hosted by the Nursing Department where he has been employed most of his long career.


Of course, when al-Mughrabi joined the company the area was without any of those modern, industrial elements which trademark it today. Indeed, it was just nine months before that the first pair of oilmen had waded ashore at Jubail to start down the trail towards discovering the largest reserves of oil in the world.


Al-Mughrabi had arrived with his family at Jubail several years before, moving from the Najd in central Saudi Arabia. He was so young then that he doesn’t recall the trip.


Interviewed at the Dhahran Health Centre where he works as a screening nurse in the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic, al-Mughrabi remembered the early oilmen’s names with ease: Robert “Bert” Miller, Schuyler “Krug” Henry, Max Steineke, Bill Burleigh, Fred Dreyfus and Floyd Ohlinger to name just a few. 


Looking back to his early days in Dhahran, he remembers the time when there was “no radio and no TV and for relaxation you just sat and visited or swam in the sea.” Today, he says, employees strike out immediately for home after work, while “before, we were like one family, sitting outside and talking.


“Everything has changed,” ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mugrabi says wistfully, “and it’s better than before.”


Caption from top photo: ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mughrabi, Aramco’s 50-year employee, poses with president Ali I. Naimi, right, and Abdelaziz M. al-Hokail, senior vice rpesident, Industrial Relations.


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