Readers Album

Send Us Your Photo: Edge of the World

Near Riyadh, this breathtaking scene has been the inspiration for many a photographer.

Send Us Your Photo: Edge of the World

Irshad A. Thameezudeen snapped this shot of the breathtaking “Edge of the World” cliffs near Riyadh using his iPhone. Thameezudeen, who is passionate about photography and also uses a Nikon D5300, is a senior mechanical inspector at our Riyadh Refinery and has been with Aramco for eight years. Share your image with us by emailing a high-resolution jpeg to publishing@aramco.comwith some caption information such where and when the photo was taken, what you were doing there, what kind of camera you used, any special settings, where you live, where you work, what your job is with Aramco, in which department/division you work, and how long you have been with the company.


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