Your Voice

Your Voice: ‘Why me?’ and the benefit of seeing the glass half full

Don’t allow negative thinking to distract you from seeing the full picture.

Your Voice: ‘Why me?’ and the benefit of seeing the glass half full

Sometimes, you may get the feeling that you’ve been personally targeted to face difficulties, hardship, bad luck, and more. For example, you may believe your friends and colleagues are progressing more quickly in their careers. Or does is seem that everyone — even those at the same stage in life, with a similar job — has more money and status? 


We tend to compare ourselves to those we are close to — particularly when it comes to materialistic matters — and often come out of the exercise feeling emotional, angry, and unfairly treated.  


On the other hand, have you ever considered that your glass may be half full, rather than half empty? 


While you may not have so many material goods — or feel that you have less status than some people — looking more closely can help you discover that you are the lucky one. Perhaps you are blessed with a less stressful job and a stable marriage, for example, contributing to your good health. Maybe you have children who are also healthy, and who return your love every day.   


You may have most of this, or just some of it. But nobody has everything, and very few, despite big differences in materialistic wealth, have nothing. Always try to focus on what you have, rather than what you don’t have. And count your blessings: it is likely that you have more than most.   


Don’t allow negative thinking to distract you from seeing the full picture. Celebrate your blessings — even the small things — and try to be optimistic and forward looking. Enjoy the present moment and live life to the full. There will be downs as well as ups, but embrace the lessons you learn as well as your good fortune.  


Try to remember that no one is personally targeted by misfortune. Should you miss one or two opportunities — or even more — it is likely that others will come your way. And should bad luck strike, its close relation — good luck — should be along shortly. Try to be satisfied with what you have and give thanks for your blessings.  


Your Voice reflects the thoughts and opinions of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publication.

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