Flying High

VIDEO: Aramcon shares her experience as one of the first female flight officers

In recognition of International Women’s Day, we celebrate and recognize employees like Dareen, one of our first female pilots.

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Dareen Alsaleh,

Aviation student at the University of North Dakota (U.S.)


The first time I flew was unforgettable, and the entire journey required a lot of effort and hard work. But eventually, it is definitely worth it, so, I am glad that I took this opportunity.


So, I learned of the aviation opportunity from a friend of mine, and she told me about this first female pilot program that Aramco is holding or is opening the doors for.


And I just immediately signed up to be a part of that. 


I am studying commercial aviation at the University of North Dakota Aerospace.


Today, after two years, I can proudly say that I already hold my commercial certificate along with its instrument rating, and very soon, I will be multi-engine rated, too.


Every day is different. Every day is a new challenge. 


The learning experience itself is unstoppable.


Fully licensed, Dareen is now one of our first female flight officers.

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