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This Day in History

This Day in History (1980): Water, Water Everywhere After Two-Day Rainfall

February 20 1980 rain storms

From the Feb. 20, 1980, edition of The Arabian Sun

Normally, rainfall in eastern Saudi Arabia falls into one of two patterns — a barely-there sun shower, or a short heavy downpour.


The rain that inundated most of the Eastern Province last Sunday and Monday was different. It was not particularly light; nor was it particularly heavy. It was, however, surprisingly long lasting.


"It actually rained 20 of the 24 hours, though at low intensity — only about .06 inches an hour," said Ron Williams of the Aramco Environmental Unit, explaining that the unit's 24-hour reading covered both Feb. 10 and 11 as "daily" rainfall is gauged from 8 a.m. one day to 8 a.m. the next.


Low as the intensity may have been, the total rainfall was relatively high —1.21 inches in Dhahran, 1.3 inches in Abqaiq, and 1.22 inches in Ras Tanura.


Abqaiq, which had the heaviest rain, could also lay claim to the heaviest rain damage. A total of 79 leaky roofs were reported, among them the Youth Center, the Women's Group portable, and the telephone exchange. Though maintenance crews did their best to pump the waters away, several houses were flooded, as was the golf course, and the Administration parking lot.


Dhahran had 32 leaky roofs (compared to the 100-plus that were typical a few years ago) and one rather unusual incident when a driverless car slid down Second Street and across busy "H" Street on Monday just as everyone was leaving for work.


The owner manfully chased the car and did his best to stop oncoming traffic before the vehicles was finally halted by a particularly steadfast hedge.


Caption for top photo: These ingenious Aramcons discovered how to make one raincoat serve for two when they were caught out in the rain in Dhahran on Feb. 10.


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