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Your Voice

Your Voice: The real value of diversity and inclusion

Diversity is a concept that encompasses a wide range of human cultures, races, ages, ethnicities, and other factors. The willingness to learn from people of different backgrounds and open your horizons is the requirement for diversity. 


Currently, at the Dhahran North Industrial Training Center (ITC), I have directly observed the effects of a diverse teaching staff. All of my teachers are from different nationalities, they provide different insights into very lesson. This has captured my attention and strengthened my academic level.


Born in the deserts of Arabia, in the land of the date trees and black gold, I learned to speak my first words in Texas, the Lone Star State, among the lively rodeos and galloping horses. My family later moved to the fashion capital of Milan, and I blossomed in this land of architecture and design.  


I have traveled from the Dolomite mountains to the Alps. In each country, my experiences have been enriched by learning about the culture and mixing with its people. 


As a traveler, I view myself as an adventurous spirit in this world full of unknown treasures that wish to be revealed. Through my travels, I discovered my own biases and gained new perspectives.


As a student, I believe that I can learn from old or young, and I do not limit my sources of knowledge. In past classes, I had the opportunity to interpret and analyze various topics. 


For instance, during my global hstory class, we would have discussions, and each student would declare her view and reasoning. Given that I studied at an international school, we had students from every continent. 


Therefore, our debates and conferences would leave me with a wider scope of historical actions. Our discussions encouraged me to search for resources in different languages and to never depend on one source. I also added a greater understanding of others.



Aramco is a primary example of a company where all people of different backgrounds are valued and appreciated through the creation of a welcoming atmosphere of inclusion and diversity. 


For example, at the Dhahran ITC, we were the first group of women to be taught at that campus. My group is currently on track toward becoming part of the Industrial Security Operations Department. 


I believe that I am a great representation of the opportunities that diversity and inclusion bring.


Your Voice reflects the thoughts and opinions of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publication.