Most Viewed

Most Viewed Weeks 17 and 18: From Ramadan to ‘Id

Daily Ramadan quiz and ‘Id al-Fitr greeting cards prove popular with Aramco LIFE readers.

Most Viewed Weeks 17 and 18: From Ramadan to ‘Id

As Ramadan came to a close and rolled into the ‘Id al-Fitr holiday, Aramco LIFE saw a surge in interest in content related to those two subjects. Here’s a quick look at some of the most viewed items over the past two weeks and past month.


Top articles over the past two weeks

'Id Al-Fitr greeting card

Are you an Aramco know-it-all? 

CEO tours company facilities during Ramadan 

VIDEO: Let's Keep Filling Hearts 

Aramcon Ali’s passion for motorsport shifts into top gear


Top articles over the past month

Are you an Aramco know-it-all?

'Id Al-Fitr greeting card

CEO tours company facilities during Ramadan


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