By January 26, 2022
When eyes turn to the prize, solutions are possible.
It is well-known that all projects, regardless of the size and level of complexity, will experience hurdles, interruptions, and hiccups. This could delay the project, cause missed milestones, and/or missed targets. This might impact the cost, KPIs, and reputation as well.
While it is possible to move forward and accomplish tasks rather smoothly, without any issues, it requires collaboration and synchronization along with clear directions for the technical experts, vendors, construction supervisors, and operations personnel. Most importantly, it demands a cordial and optimistic working environment, where all participants and contributors feel respected.
Time and again, it has been observed that various jobs get stuck or experience a period of lull, where no activities can be contemplated, when the right coordination among all parties is missing, when people are willing to accomplish but do not have the right direction or guidance, and when leadership is deficient in decision making.
The nonexistence in prioritization for the most essential and critical items, while missing mere follow-ups of a normal steady schedule for other tasks, also exacerbates the hurdles and interruptions.
Vendors and equipment suppliers have been found committing resources for finalization of the job since the money is at stake for them, and final payment will not be released by the proponent unless the job is complete. The system is functional with the desired results for the client.
It has been observed that technical experts go beyond the call of duty and find innovative ways when a traditional solution might not be applicable, to make projects functional.
The key point for the project managers is to utilize everyone’s potential, maintaining focus on the target, encouraging teamwork, managing coordination, and ensuring a provision of resources in a timely manner, while keeping bureaucratic hindrances in check. “You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins,” said Jim Stovall, a famous American author, speaker, and entrepreneur.
It is worth noting that there are always people who are looking for opportunities for sifting and observing minuscule and unnecessary items for their highlights, and they will be using these observations to criticize the progress. These are showstoppers, who are not willing to contribute, but sit on the sidelines. Let us remember, every project or task will go through a few winding roads and bumps.
Project managers must develop a strategy to bypass these interruptions and hurdles, considering minor glitches in the system, and move forward to reach the goalpost.
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