December 23, 2021
A trip to Juda with his son offers Aramcoon Devender Singh a quiet place to see “zillions” of stars.
Devender Singh, along with his son Aaditya, visited Juda on July 30, 2021, which is about 140 km from Dhahran, toward Riyadh. Juda is away from any city light pollution and is a nice place to see “zillions” of stars. Aaditya used the Stellarium astronomy software for planning this picture.
(For the full framed photo, click here.)
Singh used his Sony A7RIII and 20-70 G Master lens to capture this long exposure shot showing the Juda Thumb formation with the Milky Way in the background. He lives in Dhahran and is an engineer working in the Process and Controls Systems Department. Singh has been with company for 6 years.
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