JHAH Community Outreach Lecture
Suffering from muscle pain? Plan on attending this community outreach lecture

November 07, 2021
Dr. Christoper Mecoli will explore common causes of muscle plan, management strategies, and when to visit a specialist.
As part of its efforts to enhance the well-being of the community and raise health awareness, Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare has announced another in its series of visits by distinguished Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM) faculty to presented at Aramco.

Dr. Christopher Mecoli, a lead physician at the Johns Hopkins Myositis Precision Medicine Center and director of Research Operations in Baltimore, Maryland, in the U.S. will be speaking on muscle pain at a special presentation in al-Khobar.
Mecoli will speak from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15, at the Al Maha Hall in the Al-Othman Kempinski Hotel in al-Khobar. He will explore the common causes of muscle pain, management strategies, and when it is time to see a specialist.
Bus transportation will be provided to the venue departing at 6 p.m. from the Aljabal Bus Station next to the JHAH Primary Care Clinic in Dhahran. Return transportation will leave from the Kempinski at 7:45 p.m.
To register, visit https://www.jhah.com/communityoutreach.