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YLAB Engagement

The Power of We: Siemens CEO shares insights with YLAB

Siemens Energy CEO Simon Bruch speaks to Aramco YLAB

“The higher you move up in an organization, the more you have to realize that you, alone, can move nothing,” was among the insights shared by Christian Bruch, CEO of Siemens Energy, with Aramco’s Young Leaders Advisory Board (YLAB) during a recent visit to the company. 


Bruch spoke to YLAB members about leadership, the energy and technology industries, and the youth. 


On the energy industry

“You, as young leaders, are framing the narrative that there’s more than one logic,” Bruch said, adding that the energy discussion, as of now, is a little unbalanced because there are three important factors that should carry equal weights in the conversation, but do not, including:


  • Reliability
  • Affordability
  • Sustainability


A balanced conversation on the energy transition gives all three factors equal weights, and this is where the role of technology comes in., he said.


Bruch elaborated that the global energy discussion is not only unbalanced, but is also more complex than it is currently made out to be. Therefore, solutions cannot be simplified and require a diverse portfolio mix. 


Policymakers and major players in the industry are urged to be transparent about the energy transition. He added that the transition, although it will yield desirable results in the future, can be painful and expensive. 

Aramco YLAB poses with Siemens CEO Bruch
Members of Aramco's Youth Leaders Advisory Board pose with Christian Bruch. Bruch recently shared his insights as a business leader with the YLAB team.

On technology and cybersecurity

Bruch emphasized that being data-driven is fundamental to the success of energy technology companies. He went on to explain that, sometimes, the simplest of digital solutions can derive the greatest value. 

Building on that point and connecting technology to the energy industry, he explained that energy efficiency is the biggest mover in the energy transformation, making technologies that impact efficiency of the utmost importance. 


Being a data-driven company, while fundamental to the success of energy technology companies, carries with it the increased risk for cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity, Bruch said, is not about eliminating the threat of cybersecurity breaches, but is about detecting a threat early enough to minimize the damage. 


On leadership

When asked about leadership, Bruch emphasized the importance of being passionate, remaining authentic, respecting facts, and focusing on people. He said that his best leadership moments have been when he observed the success of others, and when others saw him as their equal. 


If I ever stop being passionate, I should leave my job.
— Christian Bruch 


He also emphasized the importance of remaining authentic, focusing on people, and never forgetting the human aspect of conducting business. However, Bruch also emphaszied the importance of respecting facts and figures, noting that no matter how much a leader believed in an idea or a vision, one must always keep an open mind and accept that the facts may not always support your vision, requiring one to be agile enough to revisit their vision as necessary.