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Day of Celebration

P&SCM Hosts a Day of Celebration


The company’s Saudi National Day celebration included an internal celebration at North Park 1 hosted by Procurement and Supply Chain Management (P&SCM) to engage and entertain employees on this special occasion. 

Events and activities were organized from Sep. 18-30 to celebrate the Kingdom’s historical achievements and the path forward for greater prosperity.

The team arranged for a falcon show at the lobby on Sep. 21 to the great amusement of P&SCM employees and management members. Attendees were delighted to interact and take pictures with the falcons under their trainers’ supervision. Gift cards were also provided to all P&SCM employees.

On Sep. 26, a traditional band was invited to perform. The live show was organized following all safety and COVID-19 precautionary measures.

The event was a memorable occasion where P&SCM celebrated the values, heritage, and accomplishments of the Kingdom.

P&SCM VP Mr. Mohammed Al Shammary
Yousef Al Sarra, OPD Supervisor B2B
Wail Selfo, ID&SSD Consultant
Kirkland Mathews, P&SCM AA OE Chairman