Top Stories

Top Stories Week 37: Drilling, Aramco’s namaat industrial investment program, and more on our hydrocarbon journey

Safety is always at the top Aramco’s list of corporate values, and this is exemplified in Drilling’s high-tech means of tracking its people at points throughout the Kingdom.

Top Stories Week 37: Drilling, Aramco’s namaat industrial investment program, and more on our hydrocarbon journey

Here are the top five stories over the past week.

  1. Aramco's Drilling safely on the move 
  2. Partnership agreements signed under aramco namaat agreements
  3. Namaat: A catalyst for continual transformation
  4. Nabil K. Al-Dabal steps down, praises Aramco’s world-class development
  5. Travel: Discover the magnificently sweet source of mangrove honey


Here are the top three stories over the past month.

  1. Drilling: Decades of greenhouse gas mitigation in our operational DNA
  2. Nabil K. Al-Dabal steps down, praises Aramco’s world-class development
  3. The Aramco Hydrocarbon Journey







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