Photographic Memory

Photographic Memory: The Cat’s Pajamas

At Aramco, pets have always held a special place – especially cats.

Photographic Memory: The Cat’s Pajamas

Here at Aramco, we tend to see our pets as members of the family – with cats enjoying a special place of honor. This was certainly true of Aramco general manager T.V. “Vic” and Gladys Champion Stapleton, who spent much of Vic’s career in Ras Tanura. In this March 17, 1955, photo, the Stapletons were honored at a Hamilton House retirement party that featured ice sculptures of at least two of their beloved qittas. Six days later, Vic and Gladys boarded the famous “Flying Camel” home to Dallas, Texas. Vic passed away in October 1970, and Gladys in June 1988. (Photo by Thomas F. Walters)


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