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After Ramadan

Stay spiritually on track after Ramadan


The Holy Month of Ramadan has finished. Every year, the holy month is a time to connect with God, dedicating energy to changing for the better and increasing spirituality.


We make resolutions to do good and become a better version of ourselves. This doesn’t need to stop, however, now that the month has come to an end.


There are simple habits that we have been following throughout the month that can be carried on to become a part of our way of life.


What are these habits?

• Doing charitable acts

• Being mindful and patient

• Fasting regularly

• Eating a healthy diet.


How do we stay on track?

1. Start off by setting your intentions and choosing which habits you want to commit to. 

2. You don’t need to shift your life completely, just strive to do to at least two habits every two weeks, and add one more habit the week after.

3. A good deed such as smiling at someone, even if you are feeling down, is enough to change your mood.

4. Giving charity to someone on the street or online is a simple act. 

5. Be patient. Remember how you fasted for 29 days and you were patient enough throughout the entire month to wait until you could break your fast. This gives you the strength and focus to implement patience in other situations.

6. Staying on track when it comes to your diet is tough — it is also something that everyone struggles with, especially after ’Id. Fasting for six days from Shawwal, following Ramadan, helps us better control our diet and implement fasting in the months to follow.


Committing to the different daily rituals that we do in Ramadan can be turned into daily habits throughout the year if we slowly introduce them into our lifestyles. It’s all about patience and persistence.