Reader’s Album

Reader’s Album: Majestic wadi

Striking red pillar shaped mountains and fresh, clear water springs the perfect image of a short vacation in the Kingdom.

Reader’s Album: Majestic wadi

Eric M. Cordoves was on vacation with his family in December and spent a day in Al Dissah on the way to Tabuk. Wadi Al Dissah, a majestic valley hidden 220 km south of the Tabuk region, is surrounded by beautiful, striking red pillar shaped mountains with fresh and clear water springs in hidden spots. Cordoves said the sweet scent of fresh air from palm trees brings a unique tranquility that was accentuated at both sunrise and sunset. He lives in Ras Tanura and works in Tanajib as a maintenance engineer in the Northern Area Gas Producing Department. Cordoves has been with the company 12 years.


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