March 17, 2021
Safety recognition has always been an essential part of how safety is managed at Aramco, of which the Exceptional Safety Achievement Recognition Program (ESARP) is a core element.
The program is administered by the Loss Prevention Department (LPD), and strives to stimulate the innovation, creativity, and talent of employees and working teams, as well as bring forth proactive and sustainable safety initiatives that will promote a safer workplace.
Celebrating 20 Years of Progress
ESARP is now celebrating its 20th anniversary, and gains in popularity year after year. A record 175 initiatives were received for evaluation, nine of which were shortlisted and three declared the top winners from the group. The remaining six received recognition from LPD for the high value they add to safety.
The winners are …
Southern Area Production Engineering Department
IR 4.0 Well Tubular Safety Program
Applies predictive solutions to prevent tubular failures and hydrocarbon emissions to the surface, including well casing leaks, and provides safe well lifespan forecasts.
- Abdulrahman T. Mishkhes
- Syedkhalid M. Gliani
- Sanjiv Kumar
- Yousef A. Mubarak
Northern Area Production Engineering Department
Multiphase Flow Meter (MPFM) Liquid Referencing
Portable MPFMs that minimize personnel interaction with sweet and sour crude production, while reducing exposure to potentially toxic material.
- Samih M. Alsyed
- Karam S. Yateem
- Mohammed E. Gomaa
- Mohammad S. Dabbous
EXPEC Advanced Research Center
Auto Well Space Out
An IR 4.0 smart well solution that safely shuts down a well in the event of an uncontrolled flow to the surface, providing additional protection to rig employees.
- Michael A. Affleck
- Chinthaka P. Gooneratne
The winners recognized are …
Safaniyah Offshore Producing Department
Critical Data Remote Monitoring
Strengthens safety barriers through remote monitoring and transmission of critical safety data related to H2S/Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) gas detection and shutdown.
- Abdulrahman R. Mutair
- Abdullah S. Aldawsari
- Hussain S. Mohsen
Domestic JV Management Department
Health, Safety & Process Safety Leading KPI Program
ECritical and attainable key performance indicators to measure health, occupational safety and process safety performance, enabling implementation of improvements.
- Nasser H. Dahri
- Ahmed Alsubahi
- Seraj Jan
- Mohammed Alrefaei
- Dani Bou-Reslan
Western Region Distribution Department
Hydrant Pit Pressure Test Mobile Device
Enables mandatory integrity testing of air fueling system valves each month to be conducted safely, efficiently, and spill free.
- Thamer M. Hyderabad
- Salem S. Rubaah
Traffic Safety Signature Program Division
Eastern Province Statistical Accident System & Dashboard
An accident management tool, recognized by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Interior, to visually track, analyze, and display road accident data throughout the Kingdom.
- Walid K. Alhumaidi
- Faris A. Althomairy
- Mansoor B. Alzahrani
- Ali M. Tuhaishi
Shaybah Producing Department and Area IT Department
SOS Button
Additional emergency protection for employees traveling off-road, activating this button sends an immediate alert to rescue teams, and the exact location of the driver.
- Omro M. Alawadh
- Fahad S. Khaldi
- Firas A. Alqaoud
- Hatem K. Khaldi
- Jaber M. Shehri
- Bader W. Khaldi
- Ahmad A. Nader
- Humoud H. Rashidi
- Ehab M. Moaibed
- Maher A. Arfaj
Central Community Services Department
Stove Guard
Protecting household residents, this intelligent monitoring system has multiple sensors that automatically switch off stoves when certain heat parameters are reached.
- Ameen M. Rashed
- Abdullah Y. Bukhamsin