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Model Runner

Fast-footed Aramco lawyer becomes race ambassador

Christin Faykus, an attorney in the Aramco Americas Law Department, was among a handful of runners chosen this year to be an Aramco Houston Half Marathon race ambassador.


The honorary role is awarded to dedicated runners who can inspire others to progress in the sport.


Faykus, who ran her 10th Aramco Houston Half Marathon this year, had her fastest race on the course in 2020, when she ran 1:34:23. The world record for the women’s half marathon, by comparison, is 1:04:31.


In this year’s virtual race, she provided training tips to runners in videos that were included in an app just for participants.


My general advice to new runners is to trust your training. The good thing about all of this is that it has made you really mentally tough, and that is half the battle when you are running a marathon or half marathon.
Christin Faykus


She likes to run to go fast, but also to relax.


“I’m always tracking miles and times but it’s more important to me just from the perspective of it being an outlet — it’s just the best from of stress relief,” she said.


She encouraged runners to have confidence in their own resiliency, as they have already weathered the pandemic.