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Community talent

Najmah youth put talents on display

Twenty-four young hopefuls sang, danced, played musical instruments, and even beatboxed in a bid to become Najmah’s top talent.  


The Ras Tanura Recreation Services Unit hosted an online talent show, which was open to all Aramco community children between 9 and 15 years of age. Recreation advisor Seema Nanda coordinated with the 24 youngsters who registered for the show.


The top seven acts were shortlisted by a panel of volunteer judges including  Andrew Redmon, Arianna de la Ree, and Ross Callander. Recreation advisor Ali H. Al Sinan hosted a two-hour live online show on Dec. 10, with Mohammed Quraish playing the oud as a warm-up. Only the participants, judges, and organizers were present, socially distanced.


Top placers included winner Lucas Wang; first runner-up Hamza Bustami; and second runner-up Jesse Li.

Lucas Wang
Hamza Butsami
Jesse Li