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Business Plan Roadshow

Rolling out the 2021-2023 Business Plan

Aramco president and CEO Amin Nasser gave employees from across the Kingdom an in-depth look at the 2021-2023 Business Plan last week, and expressed his gratitude for their hard work and sacrifices during a very challenging year.

“Our board is very pleased with what you have accomplished this year,” Nasser said. “They are very confident in our ability to position the company for a post-COVID future. Once again, you have proven that there is no challenge we cannot overcome when we work together as a team, as colleagues, and as Aramcons.”

The global pandemic was just one of many challenges the company faced this year, Nasser said. Other challenges include the economic fallout from the pandemic, volatile oil prices, and both physical and cyber threats. Nasser said Aramco employees can take pride in their resilience to provide the world with energy and products that countries require to rebuild and prepare for a post-COVID future. 

The 2021-2023 Business Plan was approved by the Board of Directors at a recent meeting, and in a series of roadshows, Nasser discussed the plan with employees in Dhahran, Ras Tanura, Jazan, Riyadh, Abqaiq, ‘Udhailiyah, Yanbu’, and Jiddah.

In his discussion with employees, Nasser mentioned that Aramco plans to play a bigger role in enabling a low-emission future. 

“We are not moving away from oil and gas," Nasser said. “Because we recognize that, for generations, oil and gas have helped raise living standards around the world. And they are expected to continue to be essential to meeting global energy demand for many years to come."

“Indeed, we are in a strong position going forward as an oil company, but also as a bigger gas and chemicals player, and as a truly integrated energy company.”

Call to action

In his talk with employees, Nasser urged employees to focus on three things to ensure our business is truly sustainable.

“First, we need to maintain a proper perspective,” Nasser said. “While the current pandemic has caused the worst economic crisis of our lifetime, we need to remember that others before us also faced difficult challenges. They succeeded because they adopted a ‘nothing will stop us’ attitude. We must do the same.”

Second, Nasser stated we must all remain resilient. “I know COVID hasn’t made life and work easy. We also all know that it isn’t over, yet. But I firmly believe it will be contained, eventually.

“Restrictions are expected to be eased. Travel is expected to open up. Economies are expected to recover. Oil demand is expected to rise again. But whatever comes our way, we must remain united and resilient, while not becoming complacent.”

Pride in resilience

Finally, Nasser said we should continue to take pride in what we do.

Our industry has done a lot to enable global prosperity. Likewise, as a company we have made significant contributions to the Kingdom and to improving the lives of billions of people around the world. And I am proud to be working for Aramco today.
Amin Nasser

“Indeed, all of us should be proud to be working for a company that is working at the speed of science to enable a sustainable future for all,” Nasser added. “To everyone, let me say thank you for your personal sacrifice and professional resilience to overcome the challenges we have faced.”

In each of the roadshows, the CEO took questions from employees to explain the company’s long-term strategy for 2021 and beyond.