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IR 4.0 Digitalization

U.S. supplier forum focuses on digitalization

The U.S. Saudi Arabian Business Council in partnership with Aramco Americas recently hosted a Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) virtual webinar that attracted more than 80 U.S. companies. The webinar, “Doing Business with Aramco: Industrial Revolution 4.0 and How to Utilize Saudi Aramco Digital Hub,” highlighted the company’s digital transformation initiative along with the digital hub at King Salman Energy Park. 


Attendees were also introduced to new innovations and technologies as well as opportunities for collaboration with Aramco Americas in the IR 4.0 technologies sector.


“The event was very well-received and served as an opportunity to share Aramco’s already robust IR 4.0 work as well as the next steps in that journey,” said Adel S. AIShahrani, manager of Aramco Americas Procurement and Supply Chain Management. 


Aramco is transforming its operations with a full embrace of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This means companies and manufacturers like you are a top priority for us. We are looking for reliable companies and manufacturers that share our same vision of business growth and sustainability. We want to build ‘win-win’ partnerships that are strategically aligned.
—Abdallah B. AlThaaly, manager of Saudi Aramco Industrial Development and Strategic Supply


Hiba A. Alajeeb, supply chain analyst, Saudi Aramco, explained the logic behind the company’s technology push, saying “our goal is to be the world’s most digitalized energy company.” She presented over $7.5 billion in business opportunities across nine technology sectors, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, 3-D printing, cloud computing, and 5G communications.


Participants learned about 170 business opportunities associated with IKTVA, which has already generated 468 investment agreements and $6.5 billion in committed capital expenditures, and learned how to become a registered supplier in the company’s supplier network by using an online portal. 


“There are tremendous opportunities waiting for you in Saudi Arabia,” AlShahrani told participants.