November 19, 2020
A few rules for encountering man’s best friend in the community.
Well-socialized and happy dogs can add so much to our lives and families.
However, there are situations that can frighten or anger even the nicest of dogs. simple steps can be taken to reduce the number of bites that occur.
Tips: safety around dogs
- Always ask permission before petting or touching someone else's dog
- Most of the time, we encounter friendly dogs with tails wagging in public. But you should be cautious if a dog goes still, becomes stiff, or is not wagging their tail in a loose and friendly way.
- Don't corner a dog. All dogs have a sense of personal space, so watch their body language as you get closer (or the dog gets closer to you).
- When approached by a strange dog, stand quietly, hands at your sides and avoid eye contact. A dog's natural instinct is to chase, so if you run, a dog may chase. Watch the dog out of the corner of your eye and don't turn your back.
- Do not approach dogs in cars or on chains or ropes. Dogs can be protective about their territory and may feel a bit more vulnerable or defensive than usual. When dogs are tied up, they know they can't run away so their only defense will be to fight.
- To avoid startling dogs, don't approach or touch them while they're sleeping, fixated on something, or with their puppies
- Never get between dogs who are fighting and keep your hands away from their heads
- Leave dogs alone when they are eating, whether the dog is eating from a bowl or chewing a treat or any other high-value item. Like people, dogs don't like it when people get between them and their food.
- Don't reach over or through fences or barriers to pet or touch a dog
- Never tease, chase or harass a dog
- Don't enter a property containing a dog if you're not accompanied by the dog's person. Dogs can be protective of their family and territory and think it's their job to protect them.
The dog-safe family
- Children should always be accompanied around dogs, even the family dog
- Supervising children around dogs not only protects the children from accidents but also protects the dog from harm by children who don't always know that touching animals in a certain way can hurt them
- Don't leave babies unattended around dogs. Dogs may not realize that babies aren't as strong as adults or even know what a baby is
- If you're expecting a baby, start early to get your dog used to the changes a baby will make in your dog's and your lives
- Don't attempt or allow your children to attempt to remove anything (toys, food or other objects) from your dog's mouth. Instead, find something of equal or greater value to offer your dog as a trade.
- Teach your children about dog safety early and promote dog-safe practices.
- If you are considering bringing a new dog into your family, write down what your family is like and then consult the Arabian Kennel Club staff, or do research on the internet to learn about what kind of dog would be best for you.