By October 21, 2020
While reading this article, there are a lot of people around the globe who are working on their goals. So, there is no excuse for any of us not to start.
It looks weird but it is fact; think about something you intended to do today, but you didn’t. Why not? The answer will help you while reading this article.
Whatever the answer you have, to me the optimum answer is start it now. This can be applicable for too many aspects of our life such as self-development, meeting family or friends, accomplish work goals, continue your education, stop bad habits, and start a good one, etc.
If you are still waiting for the right moment to start, trust me, that moment will never come — unless that moment is now. By your self-encouragement and high commitment, you can make that moment happen. You are the only person who is responsible to make that real.
While reading this article, there are a lot of people around the globe who are working on their goals. So, there is no excuse for any of us not to start. Start now with a small step, and you will get used to it in time.
This is not to encourage you to begin working without a plan, as planning is the first step in the journey. Working without a plan is planning to fail. Planning is a crucial part for any success.
And you may face some difficulties and challenges. You may need others’ help, or struggle because of lack of information. But it’s OK as long as you are on the right path from the start.
There is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly or as you expect. But at least by getting started, you will not feel the pangs of regret for not doing anything.
And remember, you will not notice the importance of starting now until you realize others are accomplishing their dreams just because they started.
Start now, as there is nothing to lose at the beginning of a journey. But you will surely lose if you don’t start at all, and the loss will become larger the more that time passes.
Think about one of the starts that can change your life positively just because you started. Remind yourself every time. Write your goals in the most obvious part in your home, office, car, phone, or wherever.
To me, it was just a start to write this article, and I hope it will open the path for me to continue and expand to other good starts. I send a wish to all for a good start.
Your Voice reflects the thoughts and opinions of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publication.