October 14, 2020
Dhahran — The pandemic has not only changed the way we work, but also the way we plan to work in case of an emergency.
The Central Community Services Department (CCSD) recently conducted a Level 3 emergency drill plan for the Dhahran area to test emergency readiness, complying with COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Aramco has worked hard to comply with safety measures, providing a strong example of readiness and agility in responding to such situations even during a global pandemic.
technology and collaboration
“Despite these unprecedented times, Aramco works to ensure continuous agility and resilience in emergency preparedness, demonstrating readiness to any emergency situation,” said CCSD manager Meshaal S. Al-Khaldi.
The drill demonstrated the utilization of recently deployed technologies such as the Virtual Emergency Control Centers (see associated story), long-range cameras, the Fire Protection Department (FrPD) mobile command center, and robotics to conduct search and rescue operations. Additionally, the drill gave CCSD an opportunity to test its newly established emergency control center (ECC) at the Al-Mujamma’.
The drill brought together organizations from across the company, including Fire Protection, Corporate Emergency Management and Continuity, Industrial Security Operations, Transportation and Equipment Services, Personnel, Utilities and Facilities Services, as well as Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare and other supporting functions in the Dhahran area.
The drill covered and implemented all COVID-19 precautionary measures such as physical distancing on- site, and also implemented a new Dhahran FrPD ECC, as well as distribution of specialized personal protective equipment to all participants.
Moreover, all supporting organizations practiced meeting COVID-19 precautionary measures, assigning dedicated individuals to measure compliance at different locations. The drill covered an integrated emergency response between organizations using virtual rooms through the emergency message board system. Such integration allowed a smooth data communication between the supporting ECCs, incident manager Al-Khaldi, and the incident command post.
Other emergency resources utilized during the drill included mobilization of firefighting robotics, heavy equipment, vacuum trucks, hauling units, and emergency shelters.
Top Page Photo Caption: Firefighters carry dummies as part of the drill that brought together organizations from across the company and JHAH.